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Sate Lilit is mince meat or fish by pounding it into very smooth and sticky then mixed with grated coconut meat. The meat or fish is selected only from the good parts; the pure flesh only.
It can be cooked by frying or grilling.
Unbelievable, to prepare this sate was not as difficult as I imagined before. Really... it's simple to make and produce a very delicious exotic dish.
Bahan / Ingredients:
3 sdm minyak goreng / 3 tbsp cooking oil
100 gr fillet ikan (kakap/tenggiri), lumatkan / 100 gr fish fillet (sea bass /spanish macarel), finely chopped
1 sdm kelapa parut yang agak muda / 1 tbsp grated coconut
1-2 sdm santan kental / 1-2 tbsp thick coconut milk
1/2 butir telur, kocok / 1/2 egg, beaten
1 sdt gula merah, sisir / 1 tsp 'javanese' palm sugar, grated
1 sdt air jeruk limau / 1 tsp lime water
3 lembar daun jeruk, iris halus / 3 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced
8 batang serai, untuk tusuk sate / 8 stalks of lemon grass
kertas aluminium / aluminium foil
minyak goreng untuk olesan / cooking oil for brushing
Bumbu halus / Spices (ground) :
5 butir bawang merah / 5 shallots
2 siung bawang putih / 2 cloves garlic
2 buah cabai merah / 2 red chilli
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 sdt terasi / 1/2 tsp shrimp paste
2 cm kencur / 2 cm lesser galangal
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 sdt gula pasir / 1/2 tsp sugar
Cara Membuat / Method
1. Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, angkat. Campur bumbu tumis bersama fillet ikan lumat, uleni higga rata.
2. Masukkan kelapa parut, santan dan telur kocok, gula, air jeruk limau dan daun jeruk iris, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 8 bagian.
3. Ambil satu bagian adonan ikan, balutkan pada pangkal batang serai hingga berbentuk seperti 'pentungan'. Bungkus masing-masing dengan kertas aluminium yang sudah diolesi minyak goreng.
4. Panaskan pemanggang, taruh satai di atasnya. Panggang sate sambil dibalik-balik agar matangnya rata, angkat. Buka pembungkusnya, sajikan sebagai pelengkap nasi campur Bali.
1. Heat oil in a skillet, saute ground spices until fragrant, remove from heat. Combine the sauteed spices with finely chop fish fillet, knead until smooth
2. Add grated coconut, coconut milk and beaten eggs, sugar, lemon juice and sliced kaffir lime leaves, stir until well blended. Divide the dough into 8 parts.
3. Take one part of fish batter, shape around a stalk of lemon grass become like a 'bat'. Wrap each with aluminum foil that has been brushed with cooking oil.
4. Preheat grill, put satay on it. Bake satay with a back and forth until cook evenly, remove from heat. Open the package and serve as a complementary for Balinese Mix Rice.